TRL's principals' experience provides TRL with the ability to operate within complex regulatory environments. TRL's principles worked in the 1980s and 1990s to develop both an environmental remediation system for cleaning contamined soils, and an alluvial mining system that reduces water usage by orders of magnitude, yet enhances fine gold recovery--a win-win situation for the miner facing water quality constraints or water supply problems. R&D work on a chemical recovery system for precious metals in a high sulfide mineral matrix in 1980-1984 contributed to the development of Terra Wash™.
The Arctic Miner™ alluvial recovery system was developed in 1985 by Cyril L. Wood (1926-2003) and Lawrence D. Wood in response to ever more restrictive alluvial mining water quality constraints. The Arctic Miner™ flow sheet reduces system water requirements, and enhances fine gold recovery. The Arctic Miner™ is also trade-named Gravimetric Reciculating (Mineral) Recovery System: GRRS™ for short. (Mining)
TRL is venturing into undersea developments in association with Vector Recovery Systems, Inc.(VRS). The Arctic Miner™ flowsheet will be used to provide on-board gold recovery for a new class of mining vessel being developed by VRS. TRL further intends to benefit from this relationship through the development and use of the underlying vessel technology to provide logistics capabilities in support of off shore oil development and to provide remote coastal logistics. (Undersea Mining, Logistics)
Terra Wash™ is a mobile soil washing solution for cleaning contaminated soils. Since initial development in 1991 by Cyril L. Wood (1926-2003) and Lawrence D. Wood, Terra Wash™ has been used on military and private sector soil washing and Small Arms Firing Range cleanups in Alaska, Hawaii and the Midwest. Invert remediation R&D conducted in Alberta, Canada in 2009 demonstrated that Terra Wash™ can clean contamined shale cuttings. (Environmental, Terra Wash™)